March 2024 Newsletter

The Marine Chemist Association held a Board of Directors (BOD) meeting March 17, 2024 in Houston, TX. This was preceded by a sectional seminar. The topic of the sectional was the use of standard safety designation (SSD) as it applies to Pipelines and Hollow Structures. Information on the seminar, board meeting and general information follow.

Chairman Phil Giles Welcoming Everyone to the Seminar

The presentation on Pipelines and Hollow Structures was the first sectional seminar on this topic. The Board is returning to its prior schedule of two sectional seminars per year on one topic. Our next sectional seminar will be in Phoenix, AZ on October 12, 2024. The seminar will be held at the Hilton Phoenix Airport Hotel.

Registration and room booking is available.

Thirty-two individuals attended the Houston seminar. This included 3 trainees and Larry Russell from NFPA. The turnout was better than expected and attendance is increasing after the virtual seminars. The Board is hoping that as we move away from the virtual seminars attendance at the sectional will return to average which is about 25 individuals.

The hotel was located in the Houston Airport and was very convenient, permitting members to easily access the hotel and get to flights quickly once the seminar was over. The BOD is trying to find airport hotels which are inside an airport making it easier on attendees and the board to get to and leave the seminar sites.

The seminar in Houston went very well with multiple questions to the presenters. The final open session remains a popular venue to ask questions on any topic. There was a very good discussion on the new benzene TLV and sampling methods. The Board reaffirmed its stance of continuing to hold in-person meetings versus virtual meetings. The Board believes that in-person interactions provide a better experience for all involved.